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How ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath Can Make Ureteroscopy Easier and Safer

Referring to ureteroscopy, the challenges of limited visibility and potential complications are ever-present. That’s where ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath steps in, offering a remarkable solution that makes this procedure easier and safer than ever before. Developed by Wellead, a trusted name in medical device innovation, ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath brings forth a range of benefits that pave the way for enhanced outcomes.

Improve Visibility

One of the ways how ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath can make ureteroscopy easier and safer is by improving the visibility of the urinary tract. ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath has an oblique side branch with a pressure vent that can be connected to a negative pressure aspiration device. This allows for continuous or intermittent suction of stone fragments and debris from the urinary tract during ureteroscopy. This can improve the visibility of the ureteroscope by removing stone fragments and debris that can obscure the view of the urinary tract. This can make ureteroscopy easier by facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones and other urinary tract disorders.

Reduce Risk of Complications

Another way how ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath can make ureteroscopy easier and safer is by reducing the risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, and ureteral injury that can occur during ureteroscopy. ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath can reduce the risk of infection by removing bacteria and biofilm from the urinary tract during ureteroscopy, preventing them from ascending to the kidney or causing sepsis. ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath can also reduce the risk of bleeding by minimizing the trauma and irritation to the ureteral wall during ureteroscopy, as well as by removing blood clots and hematuria from the urinary tract. ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath can also reduce the risk of ureteral injury by providing a smooth and gentle insertion and removal of the ureteral access sheath, as well as by reducing the friction and pressure on the ureteral wall during ureteroscopy.


ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath is a innovative product that can make ureteroscopy easier and safer. It uses negative pressure aspiration to remove stone fragments and debris from the urinary tract, improving visibility, preventing stone retropulsion, lowering intra-luminal pressure, and reducing risk of complications. ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath is developed by Wellead, a reputable medical device company that has been producing endourology products for over 20 years. If you want to make ureteroscopy easier and safer with ClearPetra Ureteral Access Sheath, please contact Wellead or visit their website for more information.

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